Sacrifice - Guest Blog by Rebecca Henderson
For me being a mum has meant complete sacrifice. But one that I will always be happy to make.
For those reading this thinking what??? Let me explain.
From the moment you are pregnant you sacrifice your body for your unborn baby. For me it was morning sickness, PGP, Acne, Swollen legs, Back ache and Stretch Mark’s.
During labour, you sacrifice yourself to the mercy of the process. Whether it be 100% your bodies control, induction or surgery. What happens next is out of your control in essence. As a labouring woman you find yourself saying “do what you need to do to protect my baby”
As a new mother you sacrifice your sleep and sanity you are on a constant loop of nap, feed, burp, change, nap. You wash when and if you can. You eat if and when you can. You sleep if and when…I’m joking you don’t sleep.
Sacrifice also came in the form of my own independence. I was a career woman with my own money, ambitions and drive. Now at the end of my maternity pay my savings are gone. My ambitions have been dramatically altered (I will explain in second) and my drive is that of a housewife. My drive is to maintain my house, my baby and my husband.
I said my ambition had been sacrificed and what I mean by this is my career. My role has been leading in a certain direction for 9 years. The next level promotion came up a month ago. I tried my best to convince myself I could do the hours needed. I knew I would be great for the role and that it was what I really wanted. The truth was as a family we couldn’t do it. It was my first big decision that was no longer about what I wanted. It was about what my daughter needed, what my family needed. I pulled out of the running at the last minute. It has been one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make in my career.
But here is the reality. I’m okay with sacrifice. Because she is my sacrifice. She is my creation and I love her will every part of my being. What mum wouldn’t say that they would give the ultimate sacrifice if needed for their baby to have the best life. My Belle, my daughter, my life.