Happy New Year
Wow... what an incredible year it has been for The Little Sensory Box. I can't believe I am sat here almost a year on from launching writing this. I do hope that all of you had a fantastic Christmas with your loved ones and a happy new year.
I planned on writing a few words a good week or so back. But, things had been so busy building up to christmas that I really just needed to sit down, relax and switch off for a little bit. Its exactly what I needed though, I enjoyed time with my family and now I'm raring to go again.
The last year has been an incredible journey for me with many highs and many lows, as you would expect with a new business or any business. But, I couldnt imagine my business being where it is now when I first started to get things into place last year!
My goal when I first started out was to sell 10 boxes a month. You might think that this is a ridiculously low number to set your self, but I had no experience with running a business, no knowledge, not alot of money to get me started (savings for my maternity leave mainly) and no confidence in myself! Well... on the 26th January 2019 The Little Sensory Box went live and I sold 40 boxes on my first day! I remember saying to my husband that I would be happy of I sold 1 box... that was my target and yet I well and truly smashed that by selling 40! I was speechless to be honest and spent the whole weekend packing up all those first orders. It was an incredible feeling to know that people were already supporting this journey in total I have now had over 1200 orders to lots of happy little ones up and down the county (and some overseas).
I have already added and changed so much within the last year. My standard sensory boxes have had several upgrades and they are about to go through a few more ready to celebrate our first year in business. I added subscriptions boxes to support a baby through their first year of development, wooden toys and I am constantly adding new resources and looking for new products all the time. I've worked with several small businesses over the last year through collaborations and made some amazing friendships and there are lots more exciting things in the pipeline for this year.
I was also nominated for an award for best new business in Cambridgeshire where The Little Sensory Box finished in the top 5. We were featured by Made4mums on the Instagram page and recommended by Mybumptobaby!
The Little Sensory Box really started to take off in July last year and absolutely catapulted from September with help from the likes of Beth Tweddle, Lillie Lexie, Lily Pebbles, Amy Willerton and Charley Webb who all loved their boxes for their little ones! It's an amazing feeling having someone famous give you a share on social media because they love what you do. Although, I have to admit that this was also a very challenging time. Since September, I have had over 200-250 orders every month and I have had to manage this whilst working full time aswell as having a family to look after! It hasn't been easy. There were alot of late nights, a few tears shed and a few times of self doubt! But, we got through it, powered through all those orders and then had a well deserved break over Christmas!!
I am all set to leave my full time job in a few months time. It is quite a scary time but also very exciting to see what this year has in store for us! As ever, I am truly greatful for everyone that has shown me any support through last year. To all my customers that have purchased from me (and continue to do so). For all the reviews and recommendations, tags and shares. To all the other busineses I have met along the way, for all the advice given and friendships made and lessons learnt. To the influencers and celebrities that have supported me and given me a little shout out on instagram and most importantly I am so greatful to my family, my husband and my son for putting up with me through the year. All of this is for them and to give them a better life.
So here is to the new year... may this one be the best one yet!
Dee & Alfie