Toys Under £50

Browse our extensive range of sensory and wooden toys and resources for under £50 that make the perfect gift for babies, toddlers and small children.
36 results
A newborn baby surrounded by black and white sensory baby toys including high contrast visual cards, a black and white board book, a wee gallery crinkle toy and a printed muslin - these are items from the Baby's First Year Subscription Newborn box.
3-6 month baby's first year subscription box - gold winner for best uk baby subscription box in the JDA 21
6-9 month baby's first year sensory play subscription box - junior design awards winner of best uk baby subscription box
6-9 month baby's first year sensory play subscription box - junior design awards winner of best uk baby subscription box
Sold Out
Petit Boum Ice Pack - Baby Sensory Bottle Set - 1 x Silver Petit Boum Float Sensory Bottle - 1 x Artic Petit Boum Spy Sensory Bottle - 1 x black Petit Boum Float Sensory Bottle
Wooden Car Transporter
£23.99 £25.99